Interviews, Articles, Profiles and More....
As a successful debut author, Nisha Mohan has been mentioned in several author interviews. Check out a sample of recent articles, interviews and profiles below. For media inquiries, please get in touch.
Here is an interview with the incredibly adorable and talented Nisha Mohan
This is her debut book and it has everything to hold the attention of her readers- from romance to Suspense, she has it all covered....
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Tell us a little about what and/or who inspired you to write
I have always been interested in books ever since I can remember. I initially started off with writing articles and short stories and finally began working on my first novel about 4 years ago.
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Is there a message behind your book? What is it?
Yes. My personal belief is 'Live and let live.' Forgive, forget, move on . No one is perfect.
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Tell us about your writing process.
For my first book, An Unforgettable Holiday, I outlined my story in a diary. The concept was clear. I wanted love to be the premise and created a tinge of suspense around it inorder to keep readers hooked.
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Nisha, do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes. Market your book and listen to what your readers and critics are saying. Absorb and learn and incorporate.
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